Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why Diet's Don't Work

Ok friends, so I have given up on dieting. I made this decision some time ago. For me, it just wasn't working. I was always calorie counting, or weighing my food and in turn I would start eating those devil donuts again. It always ended the same. I am realizing now I just need to have a plan, understand what I am consuming (good vs. bad foods), be preplanned and have my fans. Now by no means am I planning on continuing the evil cycle I am on. I have started to find a balance that is working for me. When I follow it, I see results, when I don't I see no results. The last month I have not been doing to well, but I am in a reboot phase. I think I needed to stop looking at everything as a diet, or diet food, it is just a lifestyle and a way at looking at food in a different light.

Take a look at this interesting article about why diet's fail.
Why Diet's Don't Work

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